Wallet For Transaction

The MPC (Multi-Party Computation) wallet employs a collaborative signing process where each participating party signs the same message, resulting in multiple signatures. These signatures are then combined to create a final signature. The whole process is illustrated below.

The underlying technical protocol for MPC wallet is GG20, which ensures that no single party possesses the complete private key. Through the collaborative effort of M out of N parties, the desired target signature can be constructed without revealing any party's private key.

Account abstraction is another crucial aspect of Avive World's protocol architecture. It empowers users to utilize smart contracts (CAs) as their accounts instead of relying solely on Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs). EOAs are controlled by private keys and can initiate transactions on the blockchain. However, they lack the programmability and flexibility offered by smart contracts.

With account abstraction, CAs can initiate transactions without requiring an EOA signature. This is made possible by utilizing a Paymaster contract that covers the transaction fees on behalf of the user. The Paymaster contract can also enforce custom rules and conditions for fee payments, such as accepting different tokens, charging a fee to the user, or verifying the user's identity.

The diagram above from erc-4337 illustrates the process of account abstraction and the role of the Paymaster contract.

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